Frequently Asked Questions

Cancellations & Scheduling

Is there a cancellation policy for all services?

  • Yes. Please notify me at least 24 hours in advance for all cancellations EXCEPT monthly services (see below). The more notice you can provide, the better.

  • How do I cancel my monthly service?

  • A 30-day notice is required to discontinue all monthly services - written documentation of cancellation required. Please submit via email, text or contact form.

  • How do I book a new service?

  • Text, email, phone or contact form. Text is best method for quickest response.

  • How do I make a change to a service date or time?

  • Most efficient method is to send me a text message with all pertinent information. You can also send an email or submit a message via the contact form. Best to communicate service change, in writing.

  • Non-Payment & Late Fees

    What happens if I don't make my payment on the same day I receive service?

  • A late fee will be added to the outstanding balance, if not received by 11:59pm, on due date.

  • What is the breakdown of late fees?

  • If charged by the hour, hourly rate will double. If charged a monthly service fee, flat fee will double. If airport transportation, a $25.00 fee will be added. If web development project, a $50.00 fee will be added.

  • Will there be any service interruptions for non-payment?

  • Yes, specifically with web development projects & monthly services. However, if you are receiving a service several days in a row or you are requesting the same service on a weekly basis, service will temporarily hault, until full payment is received.

  • When can I expect service interruptions?

  • All weekly & monthly services will hault the day after payment is due but not received. Services will not resume until payment is made, including late fee. Web development projects will not be surrendered to client until payment is made, including late fee. Other arrangements must be made, prior to due date, for any late payments to be accepted without late fee and service interruptions.

  • Verbiage Explanations

    Where is the DEPARTURE location?

  • My home office location where time begins and ends. It is also the location used to calculate mileage.

  • What is the address of the DEPARTURE location?

  • Carmel Creek Apartments: 11724 Carmel Creek Road, San Diego, CA 92130

  • Where is the PICKUP location?

  • As a reference, let's use Point A as the pickup location. Point A is the first location of pickup. As an example, this could be your home, school or a business. Mileage is calculated from the departure location to Point A.

  • Where is the DROPOFF location?

  • As a reference, let's use Point B as the dropoff location. Point B is the last stop or final destination. As an example, this could be the location of an appointment, an activity or your home. Mileage is calculated from the departure location to Point B.

  • What is platform patching?

  • The process of distributing and applying updates to software which is necessary when having a website created and maintained. This is the act of fixing any errors or "bugs" in the software to ensure that your website works properly.

  • Pricing Clarifications

    If pickup location is 4 miles from departure location & dropoff location is 9 miles from departure location, what is my initial hourly rate?

  • Initial hourly rate is $35.00, with a one-hour minimum requirement. This is because the dropoff location or the final destination is between 5.1 - 10.0 miles from the departure location.

  • If I live 12 miles from the departure location, what is the fee for airport transportation on a weekday?

  • The flat fee price is $65.00 one way or $125.00 roundtrip, if you book roundtrip service at initial time of booking.

  • If I live 10 miles from the departure location, what will the fee be for airport transportation at 5AM on a Saturday?

  • Start at original fee of $55.00 (for pickup location within 10 miles of departure location). Then, add $5.00 for pickup being on a Saturday and add another $5.00 for the early hour of 5AM. Therefore, the flat fee price is $65.00 one way or $125.00 roundtrip, if you book roundtrip service at initial time of booking.

  • What will the fee be for airport transportation, per direction, if I live 5 miles from departure location & dropoff is on Tuesday night at 8PM but pickup is on Saturday, at 9:30PM?

  • The fee for dropoff is $55.00 and the fee for pickup is $65.00. However, if you book roundtrip services, a $5.00 discount gets applied to the pickup fee. Therefore, fee is $55.00 for one way and $115.00 roundtrip.

  • Do I have to pay you the roundtrip fee at dropoff?

  • No. You will pay the difference between the one way fee (departure date) and the roundtrip fee, at pickup (arrival date). You can pay the roundtrip fee upfront, if more convenient, but it is not required.

  • Why is there a one-hour minimum for all hourly rate services?

  • To ensure that nobody's time is wasted. Also, to make things easier in regards to ease of payments.

  • Do all flat fee services require half of the total fee up front?

  • No. Only services that have a flat fee totaling $500.00 or more.

  • Miscellaneous

    How will I know what my due date is for my monthly services?

  • Due date will be based on the date you make your first payment for monthly services. It will then be a recurring monthly payment, on that date.

  • How far are you willing to travel for transportation services?

  • I can accomodate anyone who lives within a 50 mile radius of departure location but flat fee will increase every 5 miles.

  • How do you decide on pricing for hourly rate services and flat fee services?

  • Pricing is based on a combination of the following: location, mileage, complexity, time sensitivity and duration of task.

  • Which Airports do you currently offer transportation services to and/or from?

  • I offer transporation services to both San Diego International Airport & McClellan-Palomar Airport.

  • Is your vehicle pet friendly?

  • Yes. In fact, you might get to meet my kitten, Tiger Lily, if you are ok with having her in the vehicle.

  • Do you accept credit cards?

  • At this time, only through Venmo. I am planning on accepting credit cards in the near future, once I implement Square, Stripe or Apple Pay.

  • Why do you book your services on a week by week basis?

  • To keep my schedule flexible & to assist others who might need my service, last minute. I know that life is full of surprises and that schedules can change at any moment. Booking my time this way allows me to remain flexible for not only my family but for other families as well.

  • If I have a miscellaneous task that I need assistance with but I don't see it on your list of services, should I inquire?

  • Yes, please. I am always looking to take on new & interesting tasks. There is no guarantee that it will work out but you will never know if you don't ask.

  • How do I leave a testimonial?

  • Please feel free to submit a testimonial via the contact form, a text message or an email. Testimonials are greatly appreciated.
  • Fee Increases & Discounts

    What will make my airport transportation fee increase, other than mileage?

  • Price will be increased by $5.00 for each of the following: if service is on a WEEKEND DAY, on a HOLIDAY including week of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year & if between the hours of 9PM-9AM, on Monday - Sunday.

  • How do fee increases work for hourly rate services?

  • Initial rate starts at $30.00 per hour if located within a 5 mile radius of departure location. Fee increases by $5.00, in 5 mile increments, starting at 5.1 miles.

  • How do fee increases work for airport transportation services?

  • Initial flat fee for airport transportation is $55.00 one way, for persons located within 10 miles of departure location. Fee increases by $10.00, if pickup location is between 10.1 and 20 miles.

  • Do you offer any discounts or special rates?

  • Yes. I offer a discount on airport transportation. If you book roundtrip service at initial time of booking, you will receive $5.00 off the roundtrip fee.

  • Will I receive a discount if I refer business to you?

  • Yes. You will receive a $5.00 discount off any service, once the person you referred receives service from me at least one time.

  • Web Development Inquiries

    How quickly can you create a basic, single page website?

  • Usually within 24-48 hours if I have all pertinent information, content & resources from you.

  • Can you help me design my website?

  • Yes, within reason. Please note, the more information you can provide me, such as your vision for the website, color preferences, fonts, images, logo and all pertinent content, the better the outcome will be.

  • Do you have examples of your web development work?

  • Yes I do. Available upon request.

  • If I already have a basic website but I want changes made to it, is this something you can do?

  • Yes. I enjoy proofing websites and making suggestions to improve traffic, visibility, functionality, responsiveness, business inquiries and more.

  • See Pricing Book Now